Liverpool Provincial Grand Master |

Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Bro Steve Kingston H.D.G.M.
It is my pleasure, to welcome you to The Liverpool Provincial Grand Lodge Website. I hope you will find it both interesting
and informative. Orange Lodges have operated in the City of Liverpool, since the early 1800’s, and in 2019 we will
be celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the first ‘12th July’ parade through the streets of our great city. During
the past two centuries both the city and society have changed beyond all recognition. Our Institution has had to develop to
reflect the changes that have taken place, particularly as most traditionally strong ‘Orange’ areas’ have
been broken up, and the population dispersed to all areas within the city and beyond. However, despite the challenges
we have faced the Institution remains firmly committed to all we hold dear; our core beliefs, of Civil and Religious Liberty
for ALL, allegiance to our Protestant Monarch and country, and a firm reliance in the truths of the Holy Bible.
We remain confident that our cause is a worthy one, and we will continue to stand for all we believe in, safe in the knowledge
that we stand, on strong Protestant foundations.
Liverpool Provincial Officers 2018-2019 |

Liverpool Provincial Officers 2018-2019
L to R Back Row :
Bro P Taylor Provincial Grand Secretary,
Bro H Weston Provincial Grand Junior Superintendent.
L to R Front Row : Bro I Kenny H.D.G.M Provincial Grand Treasurer,
Bro I Leybourne H.D.G.M Deputy Provincial Grand Master,
Bro S Kingston H.D.G.M Provincial Grand Master,
Bro P Williams H.D.G.C Provincial Grand Chaplain.